To make an easy accordion in Framer, you can follow these steps:
First, create a new Frame component that will serve as the container for your accordion. Set its width and height as desired.
Inside the Frame component, create a new stack component for each section of your accordion. Set their width to 100% and their height to the desired collapsed height of the accordion section.
Add the content for each section to the corresponding stack component. You can use text, images, or any other UI elements that you want to display.
Add a click event listener to each stack component that toggles its height between the collapsed and expanded states. You can achieve this by setting the height property of the stack component to "auto" when it is clicked, and setting it back to the collapsed height when it is clicked again.
Research Questions
To make an easy accordion in Framer, you can follow these steps:
First, create a new Frame component that will serve as the container for your accordion. Set its width and height as desired.
Inside the Frame component, create a new stack component for each section of your accordion. Set their width to 100% and their height to the desired collapsed height of the accordion section.
Add the content for each section to the corresponding stack component. You can use text, images, or any other UI elements that you want to display.
Add a click event listener to each stack component that toggles its height between the collapsed and expanded states. You can achieve this by setting the height property of the stack component to "auto" when it is clicked, and setting it back to the collapsed height when it is clicked again.
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Imagine you have a piece of paper and you want to make a special kind of folding called an accordion. An accordion can fold and unfold, revealing different sections.
To make an easy accordion in Framer, which is a computer program, you can follow these steps:
First, create a big box on the computer screen. This box will be the container for your accordion. You can make it as wide and tall as you want.
Inside the big box, create smaller boxes, one for each section of the accordion. Make these smaller boxes stretch across the whole width of the big box, and set their height to how you want them to look when they are folded.
Now, you can put different things inside each of the smaller boxes. You can write words, draw pictures, or add any other things you want to show when you unfold that section of the accordion.
Next, you need to make the accordion fold and unfold when you click on each section. You can do this by adding a special action when you click on a section. When you click on it, the section will change its height to make it look like it's unfolding. When you click on it again, it will go back to its folded height.
So, by following these steps, you can create an easy accordion in Framer, where you can click on different sections to see their content folding and unfolding, just like folding a piece of paper.